Broome Weather in February

Self drive holiday from Broome Australia

February is the last month of the wet season in Broome. Despite high temperatures and humidity, many visitors come to experience Broome at this time of year when there are fewer tourists and nature is at its most spectacular. Below, we tell you everything you need to know about Broome weather in February.


Watching the camel riders at Cable Beach

What Is the Weather Like in Broome in February?

In February, Broome experiences hot and humid weather with occasional rainfall and an average temperature of around 31 °C (88°F).

Australia has many different climates and the best time to visit Broome may not always be ideal for visiting other parts of the country. See our Guide to the Best Time to Visit Australia for more details on the weather in every region of Australia.

What to pack when visiting Broome in February? 

When visiting Broome in February, be sure to pack appropriate clothing for hot and humid weather, such as shorts, T-shirts, and light dresses. Don’t forget to bring a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect you from harmful UV rays. 

Outback tours in Broome

Average Temperatures in Broome in February

The average temperature in Broome in February is 33 °C (91 °F) during the daytime and 26 °C (78 °F) at night. However, you should keep in mind that the weather this month may feel even warmer due to the high humidity.

Average Sea Temperatures in Broome in February

In February, the sea water around Broome is very warm, with temperatures ranging from 28.2 °C (83.7 °F) to 30.6 °C (86.1 °F). 

Is it safe to swim in Broome in February?

At this time of year, you are bound to run into potentially deadly Irukandji and box jellyfish in the Indian Ocean. You should avoid swimming unless you’re equipped with a full stinger suit. Remember that beaches in Broome are not patrolled by lifeguards during the wet season.

Average Sunshine Hours per Day in Broome in February

February is a very sunny month in Broome, with 8.7 hours of sunshine per day and 210 hours in total during the entire month. The average February day has 12.7 hours of daylight, with the sun rising between 5:57 am and 6:04 and setting between 5:52 pm and 5:32 pm by the end of the month.

UV levels in Broome in February

The ultraviolet index in Broome is at its highest in February when it can reach 15.9. A UV index over 11 indicates an extreme risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure. It is essential to take precautions to protect your skin, such as staying in the shade and wearing a high-SPF sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, and UV-blocking sunglasses.

Average Rainfall in Broome in February

Most of the rain in Broome falls during the wet season. February is typically the wettest month of the year, with 197 mm (7.7 in) of rainfall distributed over 11 days. 

In 2018, Broome experienced its wettest year on record when 1,502 mm (59 in) of rain—more than two years' worth—fell on the Kimberley region in January and February alone. The rainfall was caused by tropical cyclone Joyce which struck Western Australia's coastline at the beginning of the same year.

Cyclones in Broome in February

Cyclones and floods may occur in Broome in February due to heavy rains. You can find cyclone warnings and other weather information on Broome’s Cyclone Dashboard.

Oldest outdoor cinema in the world at Broome

Best Things to Do in Broome in February

The wet season in Broome offers a unique experience for travellers looking to avoid crowds and witness the natural beauty of the region. Below, we take a look at some of the best things to do in Broome in February to help you plan your next adventure.

Broome’s Japanese Cemetery

The Japanese Cemetery in Broome, dating back to 1896, is the largest cemetery of its kind in Australia. It pays tribute to Japanese pearl divers who died of decompression sickness or perished in the sea during the cyclones in 1908. The cemetery is located on Port Drive, halfway between Broome’s Courthouse Markets and Cable Beach.

Japanese cemetery in Broome

Riddell Beach

A locals’ favourite, Riddell Beach is a beautiful stretch of white sand with stunning rock formations. Tucked away between Riddell Point and Gantheaume Point, only 8 km (4.9 mi) out of Broome, this is a great place to explore and watch the sunset or incoming storms. 

Barramundi fishing

Barramundi fishing in Broome is at its peak during the wet season when the fish swim into the local creeks as the temperatures rise. Book a tour with one of the many Broome fishing companies or ask a local about the best fishing spots and head out for the day.

Malcolm Douglas Crocodile Park

February is a great time to visit Malcolm Douglas Crocodile Park, as saltwater crocodiles become much more active during the wet season. In addition to offering unique opportunities for feeding the crocodiles, the park features a wildlife reserve where you can view native Australian animals such as kangaroos, wallabies, and emus in their natural habitat.

Bali Hai Day Spa

There’s no better place to unwind and relax after a day of exploring than Bali Hai Day Spa, a short walk from Cable Beach. This award-winning spa provides an exclu­sive range of health and beau­ty treat­ments set within lush trop­i­cal gar­dens.

Hatching sea turtles 

Between October and February, flatback turtles return to the Broome beaches to nest. To spot these adorable creatures, head north of the rocks at Cable Beach either early in the morning or during a full moon.

turtle hatching information guide

Recommended Itineraries for Broome in February

Looking for more inspiration for your trip to Broome in February? First Light Travel’s Blog articles offer plenty of tips and advice on travelling to Australia, while a range of our Western Australia Itineraries provides more ideas on what to see and do in the region. If you prefer a customised experience, FLT’s Australia travel specialists are here to create a unique itinerary just for you.

Irma Vuckovic
Irma Vuckovic
: 14 Apr 2023 (Last updated: 14 Apr 2023)

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