May 2024

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KI in winter
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish
Nestled off the coast of South Australia, Kangaroo Island is a perfect winter retreat with mild temperatures and fewer crowds. Enjoy dewy mornings, crisp skies, and abundant wildlife, including sea lions at Seal Bay and nocturnal possums. Explore local galleries and studios showcasing creative works inspired by the island’s natural beauty, and savor winter menus featuring fresh seafood and artisan cheeses. Here are some top activities to enjoy on Kangaroo Island in winter.
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish

Wildlife on Kangaroo Island
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish
Located just off the coast of South Australia, Kangaroo Island is a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, where wildlife roams and stunning landscapes wait to be explored. From up-close animal encounters to exciting sand dune adventures, there is so much to do for families with kids of
Felicity Frankish
Felicity Frankish

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