Worth a Thousand Words – Australian Meteorological Photo's

Australian Photography
Worth a Thousand Words – The 2010 Australian Meteorological Calander

The Bureau of Meteorology in Australia runs a photographic competition each year. The winning pictures go into a calendar. The calendar showcases a carefully selected portfolio of images representing the diversity of Australia's highly variable weather and climate. The calendar, now in its 28th year, is published by the Bureau of Meteorology and the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society.   

Above: Aurora Australis (the Southern Lights) over Casey station, Antarctica.

Western Australia

Above: Rain falls at sunset on Paroo Station, Meekatharra, Western Australia.

Moana Beach

Above: Lightning over Moana Beach, south of Adelaide.  

Sydney Harbour

Above: A storm front approaches yachts anchored at Rushcutters Bay, Sydney.  

Derby Airport

Above: Mammatus cloud over Derby airport, northwest Western Australia.  

Brighton Beach

Above: A thunderstorm front approaches New Brighton Beach.  

Katherine Gorge

Above: Irisation amid cumulus cloud at Katherine Gorge.  


Above: A rainbow over Victoria Dock and Sullivan’s Cove, Hobart  

Mt Lindsay

Above: Sun shines through dense smoke over Mt Lindsay, Western Australia.  

Newport Beach Sydney

Above: Sea fog blows over Newport Beach, north of Sydney.  


Above: Floodwaters move through Ourdel Station, Queensland.  

Phillip Bay

Above: Clouds over Port Phillip Bay, Victoria 


Brent Narbey
Brent Narbey
: 1 Aug 2016 (Last updated: 13 Jun 2019)

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